Oshybka 0x40004E4b: Not succeeded in translying the unproven transaction
Consimulation of the oblique, which you fall, indicates that the test net Bitcoin, also the fact as “testnet” or “rig testnet”, does not accept your transaction transaction (p2pkh). This problem can take a matter from the few factor, in Tom Chissl:
- improper signature
- the incorrect format signature
Here are a few ways that you can edit to resolve this problem:
Shag 1: Survive your signature
Receive that the signature is right and in the standard format, using bitcoins. Subscribed should be zero for a transaction.
Shag 2: Avoid your format signature
If your signature is not in the right -wing form, try to change it on the standard format [0x … txid … hash … Subscribe]. If you are still more unwavering with the problems, dissatisfaction with the possibility of the publication of the official doctrine or the education for the help of the Bitskoye community.
- Recove the scoring of the network : Keep that your dust network with the transaction p2pkh.
- Relax your program forces : Reagularly weld your program for bitcoins that you have to do the last functions and procurement.
The following is a shag, you can solve the problem with the help of RAW transaction in your dough. If the problem is renewed, do not steam the add -ons or dispensing of your concrete situation.