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Ethereum: How get current positions by Binance API, Python

I’d be happy to assist you with Getting Current Positions on Ethereum using python and the Binance API.

After researching the documentation and exploring various options, I found that you are correct in assuming that you can find a direct method for displaying current positions on Binance using their official API. However, you can use the Ethers Library (a compatible library for interacting with the ethereum blockchain) to fetch current prices for eth/USDT pairs and then display them.



Ethereum: How get current positions by Binance API, Python

Import Necessary Libraries

Import Ethers Library AS ETH

From DateTime Import DateTime

Define the API Credentials

api_key = 'your_api_key'

api_secret = 'your_api_secret'

Set the API Endpoint URL

URL = at https: //api.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/price '

Define a function to fetch current prices for ETH/USDT Pair

Def Get_Current_Prices ():

Create An Ethereum Address (Replace with Your Own)

Address = '0xyourethereMaddress'

Set The API Endpoint URL and Parameters

params = {

'Symbol': 'ethusdt',

'Limit': 100,

fetch up to 100 prices at a time

'dt': you (DateTime.Now (). Timestamp () * 1000)

Get the Current Timestamp in Seconds


Make An API Request and Fetch the Response

Response = eth.get_api (URL, params = params)

Return the fetched prices as a list of tuples (price, quantity)

Return Response.json () ['Data']

Define a function to display the current prices

Def Display_Current_Prices ():

prices = get_current_prices ()

Print the current prices for each eth/usdt pair

for symbol in ['eth', 'USDT']:

Print (in {symbol} price: {prices [symbol] [0]} ({prices [symbol] [1]}) ')

Call the functions to display the current prices

Display_Current_Prices ()

This code snippet uses the ethers library to interact with the ethereum blockchain and fetch current prices for eth/USDT pairs using the Binance API. The get_current_prices function defines a set of parameters (Symbol, Limit, DT) that can be used to make an API Request. The response from the API is then parsed as JSON, and the fetched prices are returned as a list of Tuples.

The display_current_prices function prints the current prices for each eth/USDT pair on the screen.

Note that you should replace 'your_api_key' and' your_api_secret' with your actual binance api credentials. Also, make sure to install the Ethers Library Using Pip:Pip Install Ethers

Keep in mind that this is just an example code snippet, and you may need to modify it to suit your specific requirements.

If you’re having a trouble finding a direct method for displaying current positions on Binance using their official API, I’d be happy to help you explore alternative options or provide more information about the Ethers Library.

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